Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trip to Thailand!

What an exquisite trip! Mixed a little pleasure with a little business! What an amazing opportunity it was to experience a culture with those that live it. Having friends whose family live in Thailand, we were really able to immerse ourselves in the Thai culture. Which also helped while conducting business and I do not speak a lick of Thai. That was quite the language barrier. I learned a few phrases while there, but also learned that a single word with different inflections can completely change the meaning, so had to be careful with my attempts.
Aside the amazing fun we had, was able to really go direct to silk manufacturers and so many more business connections where a lot of products are originally made that we use here in the states. So, I was thrilled to knock out a lot of middle men to bring these products direct from the source. What a great resource, we are already planning our trip back at the end of the year!

I drew incredible amounts of inspiration from the colors, fabrics and textiles I was able to experience as well. These are just a few photos of the over 1000 I took, feel free to visit the link "Trip to Thailand" to view a few more! I will be uploading more as I am able to sort through them all.

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