Friday, August 14, 2009

Staff Spotlight!

We would like to introduce you to our newest staff member, Philip Shore, as our calligraphia artist. He masterfully created the ‘L&D’ calligraphy logo seen earlier on our blog. He also was the mastermind behind our new logo. Finding Philip was an exhaustive process, we began our search for a specific type of calligraphy artist and had hundreds of applications, but it was his style and this beautiful art that put him over the top for us.

Our creative collaborations have evolved and they have opened us for personal and artistic growth in working alongside one another. I feel the potential for KK Bloom's clients to capitalize on our new relationship will be quite an added value.

Philip adds: “I was trained formally in hand lettering with an India ink pen and an X-acto on vellum by a true master calligrapher. Maybe one of the last generation of artists to be taught so. Ergo, why I now have a love of the art form even though it is now mostly performed on a computer. Award panels are always freaked out when I submit a design, not knowing what to do with hand lettering in these days of the computer font.”

Aside those talents, Philip’s extensive background include both a graphic designer and an art director in both major agency and design studio environments. He has a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Georgia, and is affiliated with AIGA and the Type Directors of New York, as well as many awards from such industry hitters as Print and Creativity Magazine to list a few.

Some of Philip’s clients have included Turner Broadcasting, Coca-Cola, Macy’s and The Atlanta Braves, but we are glad to now have him on our team! There are a lot of calligrapher’s out there, but none I’ve seen that has the talent with hand designed Type and art quite like his. He is a pleasure to work with and his creativity is boundless, welcome Philip Shore.

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