Wednesday, August 5, 2009

OK, a break from work, but only for a moment!

I did an earlier post about fun things to do with my new brand logo regarding my ginormous feet and what to do with them, post: fun with feet! Got a few emails from fellow friends and vendors asking if it was just a fun post visual or did I actually get them. Well, I did actually get them, and have grand ideas for a photo shoot with them, but I'll add that photo shoot to my endless list of things I need to get done for myself for fun. In the mean time, here is a quick shot of my fun shoes. Doesn't everyone need a little bit of fun? It's kind of like the first time you buy a brand new pair of white tennies, they are only bright enough to appear brand new white for a day or so, so I'm awaiting the perfect flat shoe tennie moment to debut them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, I LOVE them! How creative!! Your branding is genius. Can I order a pair? Size 8! :)